Sitemap - 2019 - Throwanotherbearinthecanoe Newsletter

Fuck multitasking

Persistence and vision.

Lyrical writing requires self-discipline

Relevance without trendfucking

UK (and Europe?) Deal of the Day!

Hypervigilance is bullshit.

Self-care rather than self-discipline

New York Public Library 2019 Best Books list!

Obligatory eligibility post thing, also some reviews

Coping with success

I come to you with new stories

A Sunday afternoon ramble

Things are on sale!

Subject position. Object position.

Thank you, Lt. Col Petrov.

You're doing it wrong

Line of direction, a brief tutorial

Don't quit your day job, and other one-size-fits-all advice

Check, please.

Working on multiple projects at once

Library Visit!

I know it's weird, but self-punishment doesn't actually lead to growth.

How not to be a dick to everybody

Erase, Erase, Erase

I spent a whole goddamn week with Billy Joel stuck in my head.

So you have/have not been nominated for an award.

I left my superpower in my other pants.

Don't kill your darlings.

I'll be at Worldcon this weekend!

Setting goals

How do I know when I've outgrown my crit group?

Mystery persons

I'll be at Silver Unicorn Books in Acton MA tonight, appearing with Cadwell Turnbull.

What I learned from reading slush

Where to find me and what I have been up to!

How to become an award-winning writer in 7 steps.

Peach custard for a variety of dietary needs...


Happy Freedom From Creative Guilt Day! 

They taught me not to fail

Surviving as a freelancer without starving to death

Re-enter the Promethean Age



Breaking Bad... habits.

If you enjoyed Ancestral Night, here's a peek at the protagonist of Machine.

You are allowed to be successful

Jealousy part two: what if it isn't a friend?

Really most sincerely tired.

Short fiction update

Line of direction

Not only are you allowed to say no: sometimes you just have to.

Holding out for a hero

The Red-Stained Wings is loose in the world.


Things that I get in the mail....

The gentle art of enduring internet randos.

Balticon! Holly Black! The Red-Stained Wings drops May 28th!