Love this, Bear. And this is exactly why I’m pulling back from socials! I want to live in my writing again--and I can’t do that when I feel watched. 💖💖

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Jan 2Liked by Elizabeth Bear

Thank you!

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Jan 2Liked by Elizabeth Bear

First up, I can assure you from personal experience that crankier and wiser are not mutually exclusive. :)

Second, I've been having much the same experience. While I greatly miss the global water cooler, or 24/7 barcon, or whatever the "good days" on Twitter were, I'm in a much better headspace now that I'm just occasionally poking around on Mastodon with a strongly-curated feed. Kellan Szpara quit Twitter long before I did and once told me about the huge sense of relief he felt once free of the perceived need to have to make a statement about the Discourse of the Day, whatever it was. Not that anyone really has to say anything, but as you allude, there's a certain pressure to do so.

Anyway! We soldier on. How's the new work coming? I'm actually making new words steadily for the first time in months.

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Ooo, congrats on the new words. I'm editing away.

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